Data Security |
SV-PS-230a.1 |
Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks |
Discussion and Analysis |
Pursuit actively works to ensure that data security risks are mitigated, responded to, and ultimately negated. Our Information Security Policy ensures standardization of responses at our associated companies, clear roles and responsibilities across different departments, testing and scanning, incident response, and training, among other principles. As part of this policy, all employees, third parties, or other persons with access to Pursuit’s corporate system are required to complete an annual security education and awareness training.
Establishment and maintenance of our Information Security Policies, Standards, and Procedures at Pursuit is typically overseen by our Information Security Committee, which is comprised of employees and officers across the company who were appointed by senior leadership. |
SV-PS-230a.2 |
Description of policies and practices relating to collection, usage, and retention of customer information |
Discussion and Analysis |
Privacy Policy |
SV-PS-230a.3 |
(1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage involving customers' confidential business information (CBI) or personally identifiable information (PII), (3) number of customers affected |
Quantitative |
(1) 0 (2) 0% (3) 0 |
Workforce Diversity & Engagement |
SV-PS-330a.1 |
Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group representation for (1) executive management and (2) all other employees |
Quantitative |
People |
SV-PS-330a.2 |
(1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for employees |
Quantitative |
Due to data limitations, turnover rates are not available in 2022 for Pursuit employees. We expect to report these metrics in 2023. |
SV-PS-330a.3 |
Employee engagement as a percentage |
Quantitative |
In 2022, our employee engagement percentage was approximately 77%. Note: Engaged employees are those who agree or strongly agree that they would refer a friend or family member to work for us. Our employee engagement surveys included responses from full-time, seasonal, and part-time employees at Pursuit. |
Professional Integrity |
SV-PS-510a.1 |
Description of approach to ensuring professional integrity |
Discussion and Analysis |
At Pursuit, integrity is the cornerstone of our business, and we believe it plays a key role in our success. Every day we reinforce our values of integrity, ethical behavior and legal compliance with our Always Honest Compliance and Ethics Program, first implemented in 1994. All employees, officers and directors at Pursuit and its operating companies have responsibility for knowing, understanding and upholding these values. |
SV-PS-510a.2 |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with professional integrity |
Quantitative |
Material legal proceedings are disclosed in our FY 2022 10-K, Note 21, pages 71-72. In FY 2022, we had no material monetary losses as a result of legal proceeding associated with professional integrity. |
Activity Metrics |
SV-PS-000.A |
Number of employees by: (1) full-time and part-time, (2) temporary, and (3) contract |
Quantitative |
Full-time: 1,639 Part-time: 226 Seasonal: 2,584 Note: Pursuit's personnel amounts are as of August 1, 2022 during peak season. |
SV-PS-000.B |
Employee hours worked, percentage billable |
Quantitative |
This metric is not applicable to Pursuit due to our billing structure and services delivered. |